Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Whole Kit

My online chum, Tans, has given me yet another online obsession. This one is called Kaboodle, and it's a website where you can save lists of all the things you come across online that you love/want/plan to purchase/fantasize about. Here's how it works. You may either install a button or add "Add to Kaboodle" to your bookmarks/favorites. Then, when you run across, say, a pair of Laboutin sandals you cannot live without, you either right click (if you've installed the button) or click "Add to Kaboodle" in your favorites, and voila! You may then determine which list said sandals should be saved under, and then submit. The best part is, you can share your list with friends, and your friends can join Kaboodle and see your lists, and then they always know what you want when your birthday (mine's September 19), or say Valentine's Day (won't YOU be my Valentine?), rolls around. Find me under the user name HBomb!

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